NRG Medicine

FIRE – Guides

Ancestors & Spirit Guides Divine masculine is the conduit, the supportive structure, the pillar. It is what comes in the phrase, “I support you”. It is the promise of support and communication that will be there always to allow the feminine to flow. Your experience is your sensory perceptions is your intuition is your feeling […]

FIRE – the masculine

I can only share with you all what I know NOW. In Now is Presence. In presence, there is our multidimensional being, one that carries the many stories of our past, our ancestral lineage past, as well as all infinite future spirit potential. It all resides in the now. It is when we get caught […]

WATER – empaths

If you have ever went for a swim in the ocean, you will understand the force of water. The unpredictability of it. It may soothe you with its gentle waves or may form a rip tide to smash you into the rocks. It may bubble up joy and delight as you play in the big […]

WATER – emotions

Energy in Motion = Emotion Feel it all. That’s the key! Allow yourself to feel all your emotions – even the ones that don’t feel ‘good’ or are judged to be ‘bad’. They need to be felt and accepted to be released. Energy in motion = e-motion. If you block or try to stop yourself […]

WATER – the feminine

You may have heard by now somewhere that the divine feminine is here again… or that we are stepping into the beginnings of a matriarchal system that began in 2012 in young feminine energy, and now it’s reached mother status. What does this all mean? Well, as the white supremacist capitalist patriarchal system begins to […]


DISclaimer…a statement that denies something, especially responsibility: (Oxford Dictionary) I. I AM. i’m mmE. The amount of poison I have had to ingest, blood I have had to consume, and energy I have had to try to understand for I fFelt it… withIN my body, my mind – which then brought up a word, memory […]

An excerpt on Consent

Why do we help people that don’t want to be helped? Share advice or intuition freely? Because there was non-verbal consent. A part of their being cried out and said help. You answered. They listened… a bit. Until it shook their status quo too much. Until it helped them transcend. They then said fuck you. […]

The Wounded Teacher

Throughout my life I have contemplated the role of a teacher. I actually have written about it numerous times in my previous blogs, sharing my reluctance in stepping into this role. We tend to be reluctant in moving towards our actual capacity. It is our skill at something that can be sometimes scary as f*ck, […]


My Spirit has always been strong. I was able to discern harm from a very young age, and as I experienced trauma in the forms of physical and sexual assaults, emotional & mental abuse, my Spirit did all it could to protect me. At times, that protection became difficult, for my body was so used […]