INCA Medicine School, Paco Shamans Healing Association
Manari Ushigua, political & spiritual leader of the Sapara Nation in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Spiritual Guidance & DreamWorld
Grandmother’s Wisdom Project, inspired by 13 elder women known as the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, ceremonies & wisdom offerings
Earthkeeper Nukumi SELINA MU, Visionary Medicine Keeper, Ancient Healer & Spiritual Mentor
MARCELA Lobos, Mystical Shaman
BETH Rutty, Yoga, Ayurveda, Thai Yoga Massage & Reiki
CLARE Kenty, Reiki Teacher, Coach & Facilitator
NATOYA Hall, Mother of Starkeeping, Mystery School
JODY Low-a-Chee, Leadership Coach, Reiki Teacher
DR. JACQUI Wilkins, Xalish Plant Medicines
ASHA Frost, Indigenous Medicine Mentor
CAROLINE Sabbah, Genetic, Metabolic, and Human Design
The Meraki Tarot, 3d ed. by Bouchette Design
Fifth Spirit Tarot: A queer & inclusive deck for a world beyond binaries by Charlie Claire Burgess
Dreams of Gaia Tarot: a Tarot for a New Era, by Ravynne Phelan
Intuitive Fractal Cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish
The Cosmic Laws Oracle Deck by Ouassi Magik
The Plant Spirit Oracle Deck & Book by Dana O’Driscoll
Pure Magic Oracle Cards by Andres Engracia
Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards by Denise Linn
Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray