Self Care


Excited to prepare to share publicly some perceptions of 2 ~ and how sweet si is ~ for us to explore together… can we celebrate that, along my 33 year journey with, and my 22 years of trials in 2, I now can share WE HAVE GRADUATED FROM 1 MY LOVES (!!), if we can […]

Be in Love in

This date 04/04 – I remember 2 years ago, 2 weeks into isolation in 2020, this was a beginning of the energy of the 4-petaled rose, the energy of 2 converging, uniting symbols of infinity, sharing the feminine principle of energy in sacred union with our masculine principle of energy. It initiated a deep step […]

Space Between

Have been contemplating lots on SPACE recently – maybe because with the completion of the 1st round of the Body Earth Program, the 5th week afterwards is a week of space. Space to pause, space to allow assimilation of what was moved through. What has come up in this space week for me, is looking […]

Capitalism, worth & your value beyond

What if I shared your worth is a limited concept in itself? That the feeling of worthiness is actually a part of the healing and balancing of the ego (perspective of individual self) with the spirit (perspective of self that is limitless and connected to all that is). I also got tripped up in the […]

From teacher to mentor

I was asked last year to write about what it means to be a teacher in these shifting times, and it was incredible to see how much resistance I carried around this. I realize now it was because I was processing and releasing all that pained me in how I was taught to be a […]

Love is an action

Love is an action, a practice. It’s when the ease acclimated within your body from healing past traumas is more than the pain. It’s when the joy experienced in freeing your mind from the toxic programs embedded there from supremacist capitalist patriarchal systems. It’s when the ease and the joy, the clarity and expansion within your […]

The Wounded Teacher

Throughout my life I have contemplated the role of a teacher. I actually have written about it numerous times in my previous blogs, sharing my reluctance in stepping into this role. We tend to be reluctant in moving towards our actual capacity. It is our skill at something that can be sometimes scary as f*ck, […]


The most monumental discovery I have made in my healing energy work has been the active requirement for boundaries. Boundaries with clients, students, lovers, family, friends, employers, you name it! As a reformed people pleaser who was taught from an early age that my self-worth was inherently linked to acquiescing to the demands of others, […]