Masc NRG

Be in Love in

This date 04/04 – I remember 2 years ago, 2 weeks into isolation in 2020, this was a beginning of the energy of the 4-petaled rose, the energy of 2 converging, uniting symbols of infinity, sharing the feminine principle of energy in sacred union with our masculine principle of energy. It initiated a deep step […]

FIRE – Guides

Ancestors & Spirit Guides Divine masculine is the conduit, the supportive structure, the pillar. It is what comes in the phrase, “I support you”. It is the promise of support and communication that will be there always to allow the feminine to flow. Your experience is your sensory perceptions is your intuition is your feeling […]

FIRE – the masculine

I can only share with you all what I know NOW. In Now is Presence. In presence, there is our multidimensional being, one that carries the many stories of our past, our ancestral lineage past, as well as all infinite future spirit potential. It all resides in the now. It is when we get caught […]


My Spirit has always been strong. I was able to discern harm from a very young age, and as I experienced trauma in the forms of physical and sexual assaults, emotional & mental abuse, my Spirit did all it could to protect me. At times, that protection became difficult, for my body was so used […]

The Dark Night of the Soul

You know it That night when you cannot sleepWhen you lay with all your effortwilling your mind to stop Asking your body whyIt burns with such intensityYour eyes are closedThe darkness a comfort in the hopes that you will slip into that semi conscious stateBut your body is awake You allowed it to feel once […]

Being a Warrior

When I first connected to my past lives, I knew that in many I was a necromancer. I communicated to Spirits that have transitioned from one plane of existence to another. It was one of my gifts that moved through my lives with me. I remember also my lives as a warrior. A male fighter, […]

Earth & Air

So, where does your central line of energy lead to? What does that susumna have to do with all that is? How are you connecting to Source energy? How is your energy part of Source? All these questions and more come and are answered by seeing that a “line” of energy is never necessarily “straight”, […]