
Capitalism, worth & your value beyond

What if I shared your worth is a limited concept in itself? That the feeling of worthiness is actually a part of the healing and balancing of the ego (perspective of individual self) with the spirit (perspective of self that is limitless and connected to all that is). I also got tripped up in the […]

The I, You and We

In my work with spirit, as I accepted that my path truly was for the good of All & One, it was shared from my spirit team that it was honouring the interconnectedness between the I, You and We. Since I work with individuals, as well as in group circle, there was a prompt occurrence […]

From teacher to mentor

I was asked last year to write about what it means to be a teacher in these shifting times, and it was incredible to see how much resistance I carried around this. I realize now it was because I was processing and releasing all that pained me in how I was taught to be a […]

Your KEY

Thank you for listening to the movement key, this key that I was gifted, these understandings that have helped me as well as others along our healing process. It has been so incredible to witness the clearings, the remembering, the release, and the guidance received by those that have stepped on this path with me. […]

Eye See You Divine

My intention for this course is that it acts as a catalyst, the words-sound-energy shared to allow a shift of perspective. For you to choose acceptance of You – your power, your sacred, your divine, your whole being! I knew when revising this, I would have to include parts of my story. Not for pity […]

The Practice of Reading

My work tends to be a lot with sound. Through speaking, sharing stories and guidance, while I do my best to share voice energy that is less harmful. My intention in living a sacred life is to allow my truth to be here now. I trust that sharing truth will allow more truths. So if […]


DISclaimer…a statement that denies something, especially responsibility: (Oxford Dictionary) I. I AM. i’m mmE. The amount of poison I have had to ingest, blood I have had to consume, and energy I have had to try to understand for I fFelt it… withIN my body, my mind – which then brought up a word, memory […]


This is how I stAnd my grOuNd. How I aNchor my SPace. How I connect my tree of Life to You. How we can reach each other, through the rub b le… the foss iLs.. all of the remains of what is I. I have always been an uNsettler. A mOver. A sHaKer. The rAttle […]

Love is an action

Love is an action, a practice. It’s when the ease acclimated within your body from healing past traumas is more than the pain. It’s when the joy experienced in freeing your mind from the toxic programs embedded there from supremacist capitalist patriarchal systems. It’s when the ease and the joy, the clarity and expansion within your […]

The Wounded Teacher

Throughout my life I have contemplated the role of a teacher. I actually have written about it numerous times in my previous blogs, sharing my reluctance in stepping into this role. We tend to be reluctant in moving towards our actual capacity. It is our skill at something that can be sometimes scary as f*ck, […]