Archives by: Josi H

The Dark Night of the Soul

You know it That night when you cannot sleepWhen you lay with all your effortwilling your mind to stop Asking your body whyIt burns with such intensityYour eyes are closedThe darkness a comfort in the hopes that you will slip into that semi conscious stateBut your body is awake You allowed it to feel once […]

Being a Warrior

When I first connected to my past lives, I knew that in many I was a necromancer. I communicated to Spirits that have transitioned from one plane of existence to another. It was one of my gifts that moved through my lives with me. I remember also my lives as a warrior. A male fighter, […]


This is a story of how I came to channel. Of how I came to accept myself in all that I am meant to offer. May it be a salve for the wounds of self-doubt and lack of worth. I was always connected to Spirit. Specifically through dreams at first, since I learned early on […]


The most monumental discovery I have made in my healing energy work has been the active requirement for boundaries. Boundaries with clients, students, lovers, family, friends, employers, you name it! As a reformed people pleaser who was taught from an early age that my self-worth was inherently linked to acquiescing to the demands of others, […]

Intention & Blessing

I step into writing on this new blog with an intention. A blessing that will share what I envision of this shared space. I have come to an understanding within me. I have traipsed and traveled through many cycles of healing, and I will continue to do so with reverence for our true capacity to […]

Honouring your Teachers

How do you honour the teachings? How do you honour the roots of your work? By acknowledging and giving thanks to those who came before you, those who have shared their energy with you, those who have taught you their ways. We are all wayshowers, and I wish to give thanks to my teachers and […]

Energy Work – Code of Conduct

Energy work is work and not play. Meaning, when you start to play with power, when you treat someone’s life-force lightly, challenges may occur. It is important to know that with working with energy, comes certain understandings in order to not allow you to misuse your connection to power. This code of conduct helps you […]

Grounding Meditation

Sit cross-legged, or on a chair. Wiggle your toes, move your ankles, connect to your feet. After thanking them for all they have done for you today, let them settle. Bring some gentle movement to your pelvis. Tilt it forward, tilt it back. Tilt it to the right, then the left. Start to connect these […]

Earth & Air

So, where does your central line of energy lead to? What does that susumna have to do with all that is? How are you connecting to Source energy? How is your energy part of Source? All these questions and more come and are answered by seeing that a “line” of energy is never necessarily “straight”, […]