Intention & Blessing
BE(ing), ENeRGY, Flow, Keys, Purpose(s), Self Care, Teach/Heal
April 24th, 2020
I step into writing on this new blog with an intention. A blessing that will share what I envision of this shared space.
I have come to an understanding within me. I have traipsed and traveled through many cycles of healing, and I will continue to do so with reverence for our true capacity to heal ourselves. My vision is to share with you my healing experience, as well as the tools I have worked with to heal layers of abuse, assault, fears, rage, issues of self-worth and self-value. Whenever I have the privilege to listen to another’s true story, it has allowed something within me to shift. In vulnerability we transmute. In kinship and relation we begin to dismantle the better than/less than mentality of old structures (capitalism, patriarchy, colonialism) that do not serve All. It is time by sounding out truth to reclaim our right as humxn beings to Free Will. Through Free Will we then can build structures and pillars of support that can be for the good of All & One. We can then actualize our divinity. Heal the deep wounds of separation and otherness. Together.
So I bless this space. Words carry power, our inner energy and heart’s sound. May I honour this medium and allow what comes to be of my intrinsic trust in Great Spirit (Source Creator Energy) and my intuition. The wisdom that flows within my very humxnness. This being, this blend of bodies that I call me. I vow to sound out my truths. My truths that encompass the energy of my teachers, my ancestors, my guides and animal spirits. The energy that resides within me that is of all that is coded within my blood and bones, as well as what has been shared from the stars and spaces above and around. I am a teacher, a channel, a writer and an artist. I endeavour to share what I can of all of me.
I give gratitude for your self practice. The practice of reading incorporates that of your openness to listen. To observe how these letters merge and sing in harmony or discord. How they then may bring something to the surface, where you then can choose what is your next step. To allow release, to face the healing, or to go work with the soil and allow the macrocosm of Mother Earth to do that work for you. All choices are valued, honoured and are okay. You are more than okay. You are the light of billions of stars, and the whispers of multitudes of stories from yesteryore. My intention is by sounding truth, you will soon sound yours. May we sing the songs of our hearts. May we sing the songs of our beings.