

Excited to prepare to share publicly some perceptions of 2 ~ and how sweet si is ~ for us to explore together… can we celebrate that, along my 33 year journey with, and my 22 years of trials in 2, I now can share WE HAVE GRADUATED FROM 1 MY LOVES (!!), if we can […]


Dusting off my blog as I prepare for the move. Ever since I have returned from Bahrain, Toronto has been a series of workings for more safety and ease. Finally I am at a precipice, a pivot point. A space where I turn, grounded and centered for what may be as I enjoy being. Being […]

Capitalism, worth & your value beyond

What if I shared your worth is a limited concept in itself? That the feeling of worthiness is actually a part of the healing and balancing of the ego (perspective of individual self) with the spirit (perspective of self that is limitless and connected to all that is). I also got tripped up in the […]


There is an order to things. Nature shares this with us, that even in the seeming wild that is nature, there is a beautiful order and design within it. Listen and observe nature and the elemental teachings. Reflect nature (macrocosm of elemental energy) to self (microcosm). Air – breathe, move, clear and protect your boundaries […]

WATER – empaths

If you have ever went for a swim in the ocean, you will understand the force of water. The unpredictability of it. It may soothe you with its gentle waves or may form a rip tide to smash you into the rocks. It may bubble up joy and delight as you play in the big […]


DISclaimer…a statement that denies something, especially responsibility: (Oxford Dictionary) I. I AM. i’m mmE. The amount of poison I have had to ingest, blood I have had to consume, and energy I have had to try to understand for I fFelt it… withIN my body, my mind – which then brought up a word, memory […]

Intention & Blessing

I step into writing on this new blog with an intention. A blessing that will share what I envision of this shared space. I have come to an understanding within me. I have traipsed and traveled through many cycles of healing, and I will continue to do so with reverence for our true capacity to […]

The Teacher & The Student

This is Josie’s story. A tale of a little precocious child who was born to a yogi, a mother who learned under Maharishi Ayurveda meditation and connection to space, energy and revelations. She was a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation and one of Josie’s first memories of yoga was coming with her mother to one of […]

Elemental Teachers

As I embrace the elements as my teachers, learning from their simplicity and their wild chaos, I accept more and moreso my main focus on releasing judgements and expectations. Do you blame fire when it burns you? Do you hate the ocean when a wave pushes you over? Do you give judgement to how hot […]