space element

Space Between

Have been contemplating lots on SPACE recently – maybe because with the completion of the 1st round of the Body Earth Program, the 5th week afterwards is a week of space. Space to pause, space to allow assimilation of what was moved through. What has come up in this space week for me, is looking […]

SPACE – sex & love

This may be when the questions around sex come up with another. Since Love has been taught to us in a very base way, and what I mean by that, is the nuclear family teaching of that there is a mother and a father, then the 2 come together and create a new life. This […]


There is an order to things. Nature shares this with us, that even in the seeming wild that is nature, there is a beautiful order and design within it. Listen and observe nature and the elemental teachings. Reflect nature (macrocosm of elemental energy) to self (microcosm). Air – breathe, move, clear and protect your boundaries […]