
FIRE – Guides

Ancestors & Spirit Guides Divine masculine is the conduit, the supportive structure, the pillar. It is what comes in the phrase, “I support you”. It is the promise of support and communication that will be there always to allow the feminine to flow. Your experience is your sensory perceptions is your intuition is your feeling […]

FIRE – balance

The masculine & feminine energies dance together, finding a balance that works for your bodies right Now. That doesn’t always mean 50/50, it is not an equal split for many. We get taught this in the earth’s atmosphere. The earth only allows in a certain percentage of sun energy into it. More than that allowance […]

FIRE – the masculine

I can only share with you all what I know NOW. In Now is Presence. In presence, there is our multidimensional being, one that carries the many stories of our past, our ancestral lineage past, as well as all infinite future spirit potential. It all resides in the now. It is when we get caught […]