connect to nature


DISclaimer…a statement that denies something, especially responsibility: (Oxford Dictionary) I. I AM. i’m mmE. The amount of poison I have had to ingest, blood I have had to consume, and energy I have had to try to understand for I fFelt it… withIN my body, my mind – which then brought up a word, memory […]

Earth & Air

So, where does your central line of energy lead to? What does that susumna have to do with all that is? How are you connecting to Source energy? How is your energy part of Source? All these questions and more come and are answered by seeing that a “line” of energy is never necessarily “straight”, […]

Energy is Everything!

This is one of the greatest laws of creation. One of the first concepts to comprehend. The word originates from a meaning of force or vitality, and is from the late Latin which rooted from the Greek energeia, from en- ‘in, within’ and ergon- ‘work’ (Oxford dictionary). It is vital life-force, it is found within […]

Elemental Teachers

As I embrace the elements as my teachers, learning from their simplicity and their wild chaos, I accept more and moreso my main focus on releasing judgements and expectations. Do you blame fire when it burns you? Do you hate the ocean when a wave pushes you over? Do you give judgement to how hot […]