Plant Medicine (corn)
Journey, NRG Medicine, Plant Medicine, Stories, Teach/Heal, Your NRG Body
August 13th, 2021
We are Elemental – Of plants, stones & more ♾
PLANTS are allies, helpers along our way. 🌱
They share messages from our kin, our family. They are somewhat like siblings, but ones that allow us to ingest them or practice alchemy & magick (working with the elements) with them. Reciprocally. ♾
We work with them to receive their medicine, what may teach or heal us.
They flow in and out of our journey, dependent on what’s needed to support our body walking, standing and growing. What lessons we are ready to ingest, or what assistance we may need in processing the growth and release of what’s no longer needed to the earth.
Plant energy shares life in its variety of beautiful forms. All so unique in their energy signature, all coexisting, while sensing space in order to share signals to others to protect your growth or to be more aware of your surroundings.
There are so many stories with Plants – here is one with CORN.
I used to eat corn in it’s many forms as a teen, it was one of my go-to snacks. Then came a time when my body said no more please. my stomach became expanded with air and hard like a rock. I couldn’t digest it anymore. So I said goodbye to corn chips, tortillas, corn on the cob, and so much more for years. Once in a blue moon, I would cry out for corn medicine so loudly that I would try it, to no avail. I accepted their message. Space please. Marvel my beauty, but accept that we must keep a little distance until you ingest my teachings and healing. So I did. I accepted it, shared love to corn, but honoured our distance.
Then for 3 days one way later year, I got the call from corn. They shared with me kernels, and messages that it was time. I was hesitant at first, with our painful history together. But it continued. So I listened, and got (it was in season) fresh organic corn on the cob in the husk. But if didn’t stop there, I got organic blue corn chips.
I took out one corn on the cob, washed it, welcomed its spirit. I peeled the husk back and it revealed its golden pearls. I cut them, and put them in a pan with some oil and salt. Keeping the husk and cores for further offerings and blessings to them and with them.
Corn was ready. I sat, gave gratitude to earth, plants, kin. Growth and life, medicine and assistance. I ingested it, shared consent to receive in. The more (received) as I began to eat, to feel the bursts of sweetness and freshness in each bite.
I digested that corn. I learned from it it’s teachings of earth, water, air and flame. I chose what to keep, and released an offering to the earth and waters. It was magnificent. To be able to enjoy the full transmutative process with a plant ally. Thank you, thank you. I learned and healed so much from you, dear corn plant, elder. 🌽
So the next day, I got encouraged, and not only made one more cob of corn, also jubilantly had some corn chips as a snack! I was excited and childlike in my intake. And they slapped me gently, with minor pains and discomfort felt. Ah, kernels. Only a little. Must honour the amount. Capacity of reciprocity and terms of sharing are being established. Received.
Corn teaches me moderation, patience, sacrifice, space & time in distance. Joy of reconnection, remembrance, delight. That shining gold energy, little pearls, and waves and containers. Earth’s multiple forms, in corn husk clothing, hair, and core. Corn shares with me of honouring boundaries, learning from Body, reverence for your elders. They know.
What plants are working with you today? In ones you ingest, smoke, bathe with, breathe in. The ones you are currently receiving (& sharing) medicine with.
This portrait by me, shares an energy message. Receive if yes, release if no.
I AM (and) [you+you=] WE ARE (EL)emental(s) – Of plants, stones, and more♾ 💝🌺🐚
Welcome in space over time 🍯 Let’s share some medicine when we so choose to gather.