BE(ing), BeYond (the Binary), Journey, Keys, NRG Medicine, Spirit, Stories
March 30th, 2022
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you)))
I love you.
This is a Ho’oponopono prayer that may be translated in different ways.
But it is a prayer that is shared 4 wards 2wards you.
In prayer, I begin. I must.
It is a way of incantational intentional movimentum of sound and words to protect us in Space.
Please know that what I share below is breathed with Aire, with Earth, Fire, Water, and all things of elementALL ~
So breathe. Welcome IN. (y)Our(s)
Eye (I) & Ancestors, Ancients &/or More
I AaMm
May what come HERE 4thWith is OF
(What’s not here and what is)
for some that is sacred cannot even be shared here (yet).
There are rings of protection that must be honoured and respected
to protect and Love what’s IN.
So, thank you. Thank you.
For reading beyond those lines. For Being Here( ) Now(ing)… however that may Sound for you IN (_tune&/_tone).
I truly honour and respect each time that someone chooses action/inaction in relations. I know you may tire of me writing this, but it is part of the process of being, grounding, and inter-relating WITH… ALL that is in Body, Earth, Spirit (&or) which that includes YoU… in Space, over time(s).
Yes, my words are coded, s(word)ed at (X) times, for I intend to maintain in Love(ing) protecting all that is Body, Earth, Spirit, &/or YoU ((B,E,S&/YU))
When I shared ‘my work is my walk’, it was a course to redefine with y’all how my further integrations With B,E,S&/YU required us moving Beyond the Binary of (1) Work being only an arduous, capitalist, binary of money transactions and services, (like a spa or a gas station, maybe?), and then (2) Walk being a perfectly coordinated anatomically functional and nutritionally hydrationally Exceptional (:p) Dance that could be then also defined as, ‘a linear crossways of moving our Bodies in Earth through spaces to places to Work and Walk like graceful functioning Robots’ (Josie amoni).
SO. (sew…)
In actuality, our Walk at times can actually be a Dysfunctional Movimentum through Space with a Graceful Organic Fluidosity. Ha! And – in relationality, our Work at times can actually be that which are Not transactional capitalist mechanisms that function betwixt us… but inter-relational pathways of moving consensual agreements with Body, Earth, Spirit & You &… more.
So it Has Been Difficult, with Plenty of Mistakes, as I Forged ahead at times upon my walk (with carrying the movement key, & more). I now wish to share more gratitude with those that chose to transmute/transmingle/transform/transfigure &(m(or)e) with me during these times. Your Love and (In)Sight, your Wisdom. I thank each and every one of you who opened with me and BES&/YU.
So… Much… Love!
(if you wish to read onwards, of my journey in LOVE ing Both my She, They, and my He ~ )
(if you wish to explore inter-relational communications with Body, Earth, &/ Spirit (&more) ins )
Then, have a seat, curl up. Hydrate and treat. For sharing this HERE Now is, then defining and divining it, sharing the seeds of it, and opening to what may grow, be consumed, or die (thenfossilize/thennutrify/then)reborn (and…). It is of great responsibility and care that I intend to share of these seeds. I ask for the same response-ability and care from you.
So, I thank you for being gentle.
I learned to love my She through thankfully my strong connection with Spirit. For, in Body & Earth, I experience many limitations and confinements shared with me in spaces and places by people. It confused me immensely, and I struggled with many “little” comments shared with me that continued to bind and not refine. Some of you here now would have met me during a time when I was stronger in my connection to my Body; thankfully, for the ancient yoga practices of the Indian cultures and Hindu traditions since 3000 BC (respect!) that linked Body with Spirit &, that I was gracefully gifted with from a young age by family.
By the time many of you met me, I came to peace with the limitations of society and more that are shared with Her, and found ways to work within them, or around them, or away from them. But Earth at that time, still shared many volatilities and unsafe zones for all of me to Be. On my travels with She, I learned more of me, and her Love gifted me with seeing more, feeling more, healing more. All the INGs! Her energy is Wild, like Water, with (&/). She is ‘in addition to’… Ma, Mu, Mmm (Other). There is a line of connecxion that That that birthed All of Us (that is of elemental – fire, water, aire, earthhh, &/) that we can gently, over time, discover and BreathE IN 2… for comforting, nurturing Love.
(*please note, the energy aforementioned, I experienced first in Spirit dimensions/world(s) before in the Earth plane; for my actual Mother here on Earth, caregiver/parent, was not as easeful an experience IN (2) )
Why do I share all of this Now? Well, get comfy, and please… care for self now. Then, if interested, you can continue on with this story I feel ready to share.
In loving my She, even celebrating(!) Her within my Body, I thankfully learned from my Protectors & Guardian Spirits how to be (somewhat) safer in Space(s). I first relied a lot on these protectors, but I quickly learned that it must include my will and consent truly. So, this brought me into learning from the (he) contained in me. The one that felt like a dirty secret I carried, instead of a (gift/given). Into Me Eye See. In Love In. Each “in” a loving ring of protection we (i/a/a/m) have instigated to protect us from further unnecessary harm while moving in space(s) through time(s). Intimacy is to be allowed in space through time inwards, onwards, 4wards, 2wards, LOVE in U.
In slowly feeling safer in Space(s), I could gently move further to connext with Earth. I began to inter-relate further with the sound of (h)EAR(th). Sound is my gift from many that walk with me in me. It is what I carry most precious. And that is all that I can share of that gift carried here now.
Ground. Earth. Soil. Trees. My ancestors and familiie. They began to speak with me, and I learned more of how to listen to Them. The Plants, the Bees, the Soil, the Rocks, and many many more. And Then! When the (h)Earth, as a Body itself/themself * (* they enjoy either), began to Speak too (it was around 2019 for me) I heard ((&more)) whisperies innnn…
Writing of Earth Sounds is still a practice for me. I look forward to learning more of how to share the energy of these living bodies onwards. For, when Body &/ Earth speaks with U, it is such a loving harmony of freeing symphonic beauty of all that IS! Then the PLanets participate in their own ways of communicating… annnddd the Stars We… My journey into loving my They was a supercalafragilistic trip of a ride, and it continues… Whew! The more I learned from Body Earth with my trusted Spirit(s), I learned to trust & Love Both & more.
(You see, in Body, we carry Ancestors/Ancients&/More. My (AM) shares of gifts and wisdoms carried, protected, and most sacred. And if they share that with Me, then I intend to get better in keeping (key-ki–) what I carry, of Sound. In unraveling and discovering my gift, it shared of why I had to learn of many ways of movement in Body, Earth, and more. Why I had to remember how mi AM shared with me of protekted Space(s) IN &/ ( between ) what is defined, divined and Google-able. For, I had to remember how to correct & maintain boundaries ~ terms &/ conditions ~ in a way that was out of Loving Protection for Body, Earth, & Spirit (remember, with YoU).
So, I am Sorry. If I offended, triggered, unsettled, disrupted, rumbled, or transgressed. In me acclimating to all of this experienced and to tentatively sharing more of What was being asked to be shared. Yes, at times, it was done to correct (both ways&/ all ways).. Over times, it may have been to Close, and gift(give) Space(s) between. In Love In. Protection, I discovered, was a Love shared all ways, it gifted me space too to learn, process, and experience fully what space brings. All of it. The glory and the sh*t. I would be interested in hearing how it was for you.
So ~
In loving Both my She and They, I experienced an integral reciprocal connection With Both And. They began to share with me ‘other ways to move through the processes of moving into further loving relations WithIn all layers of Relations in Body & Earth’. Woah! That was a clear directive. But, my voice was still warbling, shy, and timid to trust all other humans to trust/open to still. I also had many old and well-oiled ways of fighting in the systems of capitalism, colonialism, patriarchy (&more) learned, that I had to dismantle within myself. So, I thank you, for honouring at times if my boundaries came across too firm, or my communications sounded too pushy, for I was moving through a processing of what’s continuing 4wards with me, and what’s not. For, with more assistance, Body with __ __, in loving container, were alchemizing things in a much more “easeful” way, it’s hard to describe. I began to understand the expelling process that intermixes with the ingesting, and assimilating, and acclimating, and… do I need to continue? Ha ha.
Many of you who are here on this page may have met me Here or there. In this awareness of TMK (the movement ki). I share IMMENSE gratitude for those that supported me in and after my transition from She to She &/ They. This was so liberating for me, in seeing that more people in my life could support, accept, and love (more of) me. I share(d) deep Love to Earth, it’s Lands, it’s ecosystems, insects, plants, all that is Here with me in Now. Post EquinoX 2022. My transition into Loving He.
Yes, on my travels in Transitioning into more Me in Spaces in (and places of) Body, Earth, and… more. I share now that no TERFS are allowed beyond this point. So I share love in our spaces between. Any one readying that feels trans-exclusionary (yet a ‘feminist’) can step away Now.
I Here am Josie amoni H. My pronouns shared are StHey away, unless, you are open to or can choose to support me loving my She, He and They.
Please forgive me if that shifted things. May we breathe together here.
I don’t know where this new transition point on my journey in unraveling the conformities of gender into further nourishing and loving my trans joy will bring me in transforming me. I walk this path with all that I carry in, be it gift, given, sh*t, and more. I trust that in this next cycle from X to X I will require care and support in protecting my boundaries in privacy and more as I share what can be publicly. I thank you for ensuring my safety. If you have my contact information (number/email), know that is not be shared without my consent 4wards 2wards anyone. Any sharings of my work/my walk as I transition forwards morewards (8) that are referenced out can be through my website, or Instagram account @mimsonline. That is the first ring in. They can then request access to my private Instagram account @josiehoped for more protected sharings, or book what is accessible online (group connections & solo asks/guidance sessions). I thank you for honouring these guidelines to protect the work, Body, Earth, Spirit, all that is sacred, and with IN me (and most definitely YOU).
My work that is Privado, can be first asked about through a Direct Ask (44min bookable session via mimsonline), where we can connect in accountable space to step into listen to i/you/we and what is wished to be explored. If you inquire about prices via email/DM(text, IG, etc) of my Privado ~ Energy work, Love journeys, or Gift journeys, or any other Soul-level Work I share [at times in trusting/opening relations and protected containers with Spirit, Ancestor, and More], please note they will be responded to with this term. Direct Ask first, please. It allows comfort and care for both of us in.
For those of you who already are on journeys with me, I welcome private chats if needed. Tea?
So. He
has many sounds. I am open to sharing more of the processing with you and you if and when, we honour and respect each other and the responsibility to keep furthering relations fourwards is true.
I am grateful to have somewhat retreated (many meanings to that word) to Meaford, Ontario, which is a little town by Georgian Bay in Canada, which as you can see by ALL THOSE CAPITALIZED WoRds, those titles were not earned in ways of reciprocal integral relations With. The Lands we (not only me) currently rent (from a l*ndl*rd), I INtend to TEND to the best of my abilities, to learn from the indigenous peoples whose lands I reside upon. My wish is for us to continue to rematriate the Land Back to the Anishinabewaki tribes, the Petun, Odawa, Wendake-Nionwentsio and Missisauga peoples. In connecting our Body with Earth, the wisdoms They have shared with it’s First families and peoples are integral to gift #landback… to teach us how to bring us collectively into harmony with the lands we are on. May we care for Earth as we care for our Body.
Hehhh. Exhale there for me too.
The deep INCUBATION that was 2020 (+2), was an alchemical soup of transitioning further into all that I carried, chose to carry, or must carry. As I step OUT OF what was restrained B4, I look 4wards, hopeful. Trusting and believing IN me. My body of, our bodies of, our lands of, our earth of, our ancestors, spirits, and stars of, in LOVE in.(gggg)
If you so ever choose to support my work and my walk, if it feels like it supports you in any way to exploring your Body, Earth & Spirit &/U, please know that all currency gifted(given) to support me as I continue to transition within while protecting/mending/weaving it out, is s(c)ent in all ways 4wards 2wards more harmonic movements through all that is in Space. Thank you, tripled and rippled all ways. May we all benefit from the currents between us all ways.
If you so wish to join me this season to dip your tones in with care, respect, and attention to all that is Harmonic Akashic travels through our records, between spaces, and more, I would love to C you this Saturday for a 2-hoursish experiential workshop in akashic records. Register here and then please extend currentC support for protecting and facilitating the space to do this.
I will also be sharing a 6month 6 session with multiple moon cycle spaces between container (sorry, no dabblers) that is accessible with 3currentC tiers for all current capacities. If interested, please connect with me and I can share more. First session commences Sat. April 30 (new moon), so if you feel a Ready Now response within, just email me. I will share more at another time for these are just last seeds (C’ds) to scatter out&in (C?)
Time for me to rest, integrate, and eat some food. That took a lot of energy and process to share. Much Love to you who have come to the End.
(for now/2welcome in NU)
Xo JOsIe amoni H