private services

“Josi came into my life when I really needed to get the work done. I was trying to get through a hard time that seemed to have no end, it all seemed to be impossible and no matter what I did I felt I wasn’t getting anywhere, things were on repeat, that made me feel so hopeless. We started with one thing and kept at it until I felt like we worked through it all together. Her work is much more than energy healing or meditation to reach a point or place, with her there was empowerment, honest and truly in-depth discussions, exercises, tools and life skills. I love that working with her was holistic, she is generous with her time and energy, she is caring and her wisdom infectious, more so she is so open, humble, compassionate and loving in her work. I felt like I could trust her more and more with time. Things discussed manifested to say the least. My life has seen massive shifts, and that’s thanks to the work we did together. All the work I did before also had a limitation of energy or outer space that I had no control of, she’s able to access that which sometimes is the missing link in wanting to do the work and actually getting it done.”
- Shooq, U.K.

service guidelines & protocol

Divination guidelines

Divination is a powerful process of connection to ancestors, as well as the Divine One, &/ Divine All (dependent on your faith &/ beliefs of whom we call in and sit with). Josi sits with a counsel of Ancestors, as well as those seers, oracles, and teachers of their soul remembrances, and work with divination over many lifetimes.

Divination has been described as deeply restorative for mind, body, and soul. It shares of ways to prepare our body & mind for the circumstances outside of individual control, as well as ways to support our ongoing processes of soul remembrance, healing &/growth processes of the body, mind, and heart. It shares ways of deepening your relations with your ancestors, as well as to support the access of the Divine. It shares truths, that may at times, sting, or soothe, ring, or salve, many things within & around us.

Divination is a way of mending our psyches and beings from the destructive, extractive, and perpetually harmful ways of a supremacist, capitalist, authoritarian, and colonial society. It shares ways to support growth from doctrines and tenets that harmed, and may support further directives to assist your unique and individual needs, whilst linking them with collective well-being of our earth and communities.

With Divination, there is an honouring of Free Will, multiple consent points, as well as an appreciation for our differences, while honouring the sacred ways of promoting further harmony and reciprocity between the earth, sky, stars, and all living beings, human, plant, and more. Ancestors first will check in on your health and well-being of body and mind, support ways to nurture your heart capacity, and then share steps and/or guidelines that can assist your life path, encourage community involvement, and allow for greater connection to the lands and it's waters.

Protocol for ancestral connections

All Ancestral connections are held in circle, be it with Josi and you, privately, or in group. If you are new to direct connections with your ancestors, those recently passed, to those most Ancient, here are some protocols to read through prior to our agreed-upon time for this sacred process.

1) Josi facilitates an accountable space, with clear communications practiced. They endeavour to check in on limits, and welcome all ways to process these connections. You are welcome to move, drink, breathe, eat, as you listen to the extent of your capacity. Please share if limits are reached, or something has triggered. Listening is a skill we develop together, as we foster trust, over time. Connections always accomodate an audio recording, for relistening later on, as needed, to support the ways you receive information, as well as to allow the cycles of life and your movements to support the integration of messages received.

2) Josi, at times, may support direct channeling, as a 'Spirit Horse', when, there is consensual agreement between Josi and the Spirit, this is not a request that is solely accomodated by another person, ie. you. They agree in all ancestral connections to mediate and share the messages wishing to be communicated with you, privately, or in group, but to allow the Spirit to communicate directly with you, through their body and voice, is only allowed when Josi affirms that in no way will the named Spirit be of any harm to their body, mind, and/or entirety. They accomodate ancestral connections with a large group of protectors and guardians, and tend to share collated translations in their own voice, since some ancestors, of course, speak multiple different languages.

3) In working with Elders, please note that it is not Question & Answer, but more can be understood as "Questions & Response". Answers are always accomodated within YOU, in the beauty and power of your choices and actions, in mind, body, and heart, of blood, bone, and SOUL. You share your questions and/or queries, and those gathered to support your process, share with Love, responses that can assist your health, well-being and care, on many planes from the most subtle to the most formed.

scroll down for service details


“Being mentored by Josi has been such a beautiful journey of getting to know and accept ALL parts of self especially the parts that we’ve been conditioned to hide away in shame. It’s been about learning to create boundaries and then learning how to let them morph and flow as you morph and flow. With Josi’s guidance, I’ve begun to honour my own natural cycles instead of forcing myself to push through. She’s helped me access my connection to my Spirit team, Source Creator, my Ancestors, my Divine self and my gifts. My one-on-one sessions with Josi have allowed me to feel truly seen, heard, and accepted for who I am and where I am in my journey Now. Josi has gently guided me to look at past traumas with a different lens and an open heart so that I can heal that which is ready to be healed, and acknowledge and honour what isn’t yet quite ready. This mentorship with Josi has been such a gift and has truly made a profound difference in my life. “
- Debbie, Toronto

private divination services

grateful that you landed here.

A landing pad, where we can gently grow relations, over times, with spaces between. In times, honouring our rhythms and cycles of life, slowly discovering trust & further capacity, to be in full presence, together.

Josi has fostered relations, privately, for over a decade, with those who wish to journey, in body, of earth, with Spirit.

I share online, safer spaces & most protected connections with Spirit, an umbrella-term to share of those most Sacred. You may choose to connect with Josi for mentorship, over seasons and/or years together, and, or, for the bookable services shared here, to initiate, or continue responsible connections, with Josi, et. al. (most beloved Ancestors, the Ancient Ones, and the Many found in OneAll.)

teas, ancestral connections & tarot

Tea chat, 1 hour-ish. $120 where we connect online, with water, tea, to breathe and be.... and to see what comes up to possibly discuss, &/ process together.

Ancestral connections, 2-2.5hrs. $300 Josi brings you to a space/place, where we meet with those most beloved, to receive direct communications for your queries, as well as to support your heart, body, and mind. Once in connections, the communications will be recorded and sent to you as an audio file, for further times of relistening. Josi will also share an email recap, within 48 hours after our connection, to share the most pertinent guidance shared in words, for review, as needed. Preparations and integration time is requested, and further information will be given once initial email of your interest and willingness for this service is shared.


specific-based query, 30-45mins, $52. recorded messages with Aelders and pictures of cards drawn are shared afterwards.

seasonal assistance, 1hr-1hr30m, $88. tarot for the season's teachings for you, things to prepare for, ways to support your body, mind, and heart amidst the season's fluxes & flow. Audio recording of messages and pictures of cards drawn are shared afterwards.

annular rhythms, 2-3hr, $250. divination connection, 12-months & 13-cycles are drawn. Whole connection is recorded and shared in a private video link, and the cards drawn are shared via email/what's app afterwards.

all online connections are held on Zoom. this ensures Josi is in their sacred practice space, as well as you are in a safer space too. Once agreement of booking time, date, and service is made between us, payments are requested to be sent via e-transfer or credit card, prior to our service commencement time. The payments for online private services are listed in Canadian funds.

for local, in-person divination services, please email to inquire. they can either be done at your place, or at a private studio. if travel time is 30mins or more, a travel fee is added to the service price listed. if a private studio is booked, a rental fee is added to the service price listed. hence, you are also welcome to book online, when so needed.

Wallart Wallpainting in Palermo Sicily Italy Young boy playing the accordion by Kristin Snippe

“My sessions with Josi have been abundantly healing and transforming. She creates a really sacred safe space where I always feel comfortable and accepted sharing with her. Her guidance and healing tools have been a tremendous help along my journey, always knowing just what my spirit needs. Josi has helped me take back my own power, always reminded me that I am my own healer and provided an immense amount of support, tools and genuine care along the way. If it weren’t for our sessions together I truly don’t know where I would be – and for that I am eternally grateful!”
- Noor, Bahrain

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