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further recommendations

of relations + studies, in all directions

INCA Medicine School, Paco Shamans Healing Association

Manari Ushigua, political & spiritual leader of the Sapara Nation in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Spiritual Guidance & DreamWorld

Grandmother’s Wisdom Project, inspired by 13 elder women known as the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, ceremonies & wisdom offerings

Earthkeeper Nukumi SELINA MU, Visionary Medicine Keeper,  Ancient Healer & Spiritual Mentor 

MARCELA Lobos, Mystical Shaman

BETH Rutty, Yoga, Ayurveda, Thai Yoga Massage & Reiki

CLARE Kenty, Reiki Teacher, Coach & Facilitator

NATOYA Hall, Mother of Starkeeping, Mystery School

JODY Low-a-Chee, Leadership Coach, Reiki Teacher

DR. JACQUI Wilkins, Xalish Plant Medicines

ASHA Frost, Indigenous Medicine Mentor

CAROLINE Sabbah, Genetic, Metabolic, and Human Design


You BELONG. Connect to your heart. Allow your breath to navigate all sensations to your center. Ground into Earth. Open to Spirit. Be you here now

This is a space that celebrates BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour ~ the Global Majority) and 2SLGBTQIA+ (Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual identifying individuals, and allies). This is an accountable space.

Sorry, no TERFs (trans-exclusionary-radical-feminists) allowed.

Not any form of homophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, ableism, ageism, sexual harassment or discrimination is tolerated. 

Unfortunately we weren’t taught how to understand our energy body when we were younger. So, in childhood, in your formative years, possibly even up to recently, you may have encountered energy that did not feel great, or even scared you! It may have felt harmful, draining, intrusive or ‘toxic’. Energy is not evil. Energy is our very being, it is life, existence, and more!

Unfortunately though, some have played with energy and used it for personal gain, or to harm/manipulate others in some way physically, mentally,  emotionally, and/or spiritually. I am sorry you may have experienced this before, and as I am always learning, if at any time my own energy felt harmful.

Healthy energy hygiene is a daily practice, and as we move beyond the constructs of ego and supremacy, in our power of transmutation, we must learn to protect, as much as we are cleansing. Energy protection may have been showcased in boundary work, but there are multiple planes to support further protection on, to support your capacity as you traverse a society that, at times, may feel rampant with energy vampires and excess consumption. 

If uncertain how to proceed on furthering your energy education, I can suggest to check out the youtube meditation and energy practices, or book an initial consult.

Dependent on our newness in present relations, we first allow ourselves to arrive, ground into Body & Earth to support us as we then open to what you are wishing to know/receive/learn/&___

Then, after supporting the clairifying of the Asks/Intentions/_____ why&what you need now to support you forwards. 

Josi, in consensual collaborations with their Spirit counsel (an umbrella term for the Ancestors, Ancients, and More that is here to support,  love, and honour us), will then share responses to what’s been asked&unasked, that they wish to speak of, on today. Trust that truths bring both triggers & glimmers, and Spirit shares sounds & words that support you in traversing both your shadows & light. As a messenger, Josi endeavours to support moving through these truths shared by Spirit, whilst honouring their own human capacity, fallibility, and continued work in checking/course-correcting their own ego.

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